
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Review + Giveaway - A Season of Seduction by Jennifer Haymore

She's determined to be naughty, he's daring to be nice......
TITLE:     A Season of Seduction
AUTHOR/EDITOR:    Jennifer Haymore
INFO:    Paperback, Fiction, 379 pages
PUBLISHED:   Forever/Hachette Book Group, 2010
ISBN#:   978-0-446-54028-5
HOW'D I GET IT:   Received from Hachette for Review/Blog Tour

Although the widowed Lady Rebecca has sworn off marriage, men are another matter. London's cold winter nights have her dreaming of warmer pursuits-like finding a lover to satisfy her hungry heart. Someone handsome, discreet, and most importantly as uninterested in marriage as she is. Someone like Jack Fulton.

A known adventurer and playboy, Jack seems like the perfect choice. There's just one problem: Jack isn't interested in an affair. He needs the beautiful, mysterious Lady Rebecca to be his wife. And he doesn't have much time to persuade her. A secret from Jack's past is about to surface, and by Christmas Day he'll be either married to Rebecca or dead 

MY TAKE:   This was one of those books with a bit of a twist - he's the one wanting to settle down and SHE's the one wanting a meaningless affair!  I really enjoyed this book, especially due to the reversed roles in the marriage game.  Ms. Haymore spun a lovely tale with very likable characters. 

Rebecca (Becky) is a very fragile wanna-be seductress.  She's been crushed in the romance department and gun-shy when it comes to the social circles due to the scandal surrounding her marriage and the death of her husband.  Becky shuns the limelight of the London ton and has become an almost-recluse in order to keep scandal from her family. 

Jack is known to be a playboy and adventurer.  When Becky is introduced to him, he seems like he will be the perfect playmate for her plan of "love him and leave him".  The only problem is that Jack has decided that Becky is also perfect for him as his wife.

This story is full of twists and turns with lots of suspense heaped on.  Trust, love, and loyalty are prevalent themes throughout the story.  I wasn't aware that this book is part of a series that includes A Hint of Wicked and A Touch of Scandal until after I received my copy for review.  I'm happy to say that this can stand alone as a delightful read as well as being an integral part of the series.  I'm looking forward to reading these other two as well as the first book in her new series: "Confessions of an Improper Bride" which is due out next Spring.

To learn more about Jennifer Haywood and her lovely stories, you can visit her website: , befriend her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter.  For now, here are Five Fun Facts from Jennifer:

1. After writing two books with Lady Rebecca as a young girl trying to find her place in the world, I loved writing about how she becomes a strong and independent woman in A Season of Seduction. 
2. Cornwall, England, where Lady Rebecca’s property is, is one of those stark, windy places I always imagine as a setting for Gothic novels. I have always wanted to write about it and visit it. Now that I have written about it and researched it, visiting is the next on the list!

3. I spent hours and hours researching the traveling time from London to Launceston, Cornwall while writing A Season of Seduction. I am always stymied by the amount of time it took to go from point A to point B using the various means of travel during this era. I’m trying to talk my husband into buying a horse for me just so I can be as accurate as possible! Unfortunately, so far, my husband is not convinced, but I’m still working on him…

4. In my last book, A Touch of Scandal, Lady Rebecca broke her arm in a carriage accident. Unfortunately, I know some things about broken arms, because my son has had two of them in two years! Lady Rebecca had the same break as my son’s first injury (a broken humerus just above the elbow), but she didn’t have access to modern medical care, so even after four years she’s still suffering from the repercussions in A Season of Seduction.

5. Christmas is my favorite day of the year, and I’d never imagined I’d be lucky enough to have the opportunity to write a historical romance set during the holiday season. Combine that with the special romance between Becky and Jack, and A Season of Seduction is definitely one of my favorites!

MY RATING:    4/5

Jennifer Haymore and Hachette Book Group have generously offered TWO of my readers the chance to win their own copy of A Season of Seduction!  As usual, the rules are simple:
  • Leave a comment telling us YOUR favorite holiday.
  • Be a follower of One Book Shy
  • Must be a US or Canadian resident
  • No PO Boxes as publisher will ship the book to you
  • Only ONE prize per household, no matter how many different contests you enter
  • Contest ends October 31st at midnight PST.
  • Winners will be drawn at random and have 48 hours to respond.
If you're antsy to get your hands on this fun book, you can find it NOW at the links below.

WHERE TO BUY IT:   Amazon, IndieBound,  The Book Depository

Thank you Jennifer Haymore and Hachette Book Group for including One Book Shy on this blog tour and for providing myself and the two winners a copy of A Season of Seduction!

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~~~~~ Disclaimer:  All opinions expressed on this blog are 100% my own.  I do not receive monetary compensation for my reviews but do utilize affiliate links.  I may receive books in  order to facilitate a review, but this does not guarantee a good review - only a completely honest one.  Each review post denotes how I obtained the book.


  1. My favorite holiday is Christmas! I just love the family gatherings and festive atmosphere.

    GFC follower


  2. My favorite Holiday is Christmas. I am a follower.

  3. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance. My fav holiday is definately Christmas. I am a follower.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  4. Nice review, this is one book I do want to read one day

  5. My favourite holiday is Christmas too. I just love everything about it, the decorations and atmosphere. The time spent with family, the exchange of gifts, and all the carols too. :)
    I'm already a follower :) and I'm in Canada
    Be a follower of One Book
    Thanks for the chance to win this awesome book! :D


  6. Thanks for the chance to win this.
    My favorite holiday is Christmas.

    I am a follower

  7. thanks for this awesome giveaway!
    my favorite holiday is christmas
    i'm a follower


  8. My favorite holiday would have to be X-mas. I just love all the decorations and shopping for presents for other people.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    I'm a follower

  9. my favorite holiday is Christmas
    great giveaway

  10. My favorite holiday is Halloween or Thanksgiving. No pressure..just fun!
    amerskine at hotmail dot com

  11. My favorite holiday is Christmas! Wonderful Family, great friends, yummy food, lots of fun, beautifull decortations, lovey music, the spirit of giving and love. My two daughters were born in December too, so its a very special time of year for us and a little bit hectic. Its all worth it though to have amazing these amazing memories!

    I'm a follower

  12. I am another Christmas fan. Love the feelings that go with it!

  13. Google follower and Jennifer Haymore fan, please count me in! It's a toss up between Thanksgiving and Christmas!


  14. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :) I have to admit I'm another Christmas lover. The smells of pine and cinnamon, the eggnog, and just the overall atmosphere are so joyous. I'd love Christmas even more if I lived somewhere where it actually snowed (sadly, I've never seen snow).


  15. Christmas!

    I'm an old GFC follower.

    headlessfowl at gmail dot com

  16. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I'm an old GFC follower.

    Thanks so much!


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