
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Review - The Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis

TITLE:    The Sweetest Thing
AUTHOR:    Jill Shalvis
INFO:    Paperback, Fiction, 348 pages
PUBLISHED:   Grand Central, 2011
SOURCE:   Received from Publisher for Review and Blog Tour

  Two Men Are One Too Many . . .

Tara has a thousand good reasons not to return to the little coastal town of Lucky Harbor, Washington. Yet with her life doing a major crash-and-burn, anywhere away from her unfulfilled dreams and sexy ex-husband will do. As Tara helps her two sisters get their newly renovated inn up and running, she finally has a chance to get things under control and come up with a new plan for her life.

But a certain tanned, green-eyed sailor has his own ideas, such as keeping Tara hot, bothered . . . and in his bed. And when her ex wants Tara back, three is a crowd she can't control-especially when her deepest secret reappears out of the blue. Now Tara must confront her past and discover what she really wants. If she's lucky, she might just find that everything her heart desires is right here in Lucky Harbor.

MY TAKE:    This must be THE WEEK as this is also a book that I have been waiting and waiting for!  I reviewed the first book in the Lucky Harbor series - Simply Irresistible, last Fall and fell in love with Lucky Harbor and all of the residents.  I also became a HUGE Jill Shalvis fan!  The Sweetest Thing is exactly what I needed to get out of my reading and blogging funk.  It's FUN, sexy, heart-warming and a truly "feel-good" story.  It hit the spot!

I really admire Jill Shalvis' talent for creating lovable characters that you want to have in your life.  They are warm and bring out the entire range of emotions in the reader. She writes with a large dose of humor which we all know is something I value.  

Ford and Tara have a history that starts to fan a flame in their present.  I loved watching Tara fight it (and Ford) while at the same time wondering "what if?"  Ford is super-dreamy, smart and persistent.  Things are really starting to move in the right direction when Tara's also hunky ex-husband shows up along with another reminder of Tara and Ford's past.  The sparks start flying in every direction.

Lucky Harbor is a small resort town where everyone knows everyone else's business.  When many of the residents start to take an active part in the courtship of Tara by two gorgeous suitors, the fun really begins.  I try to write reviews with no spoilers and am having a hard time refraining from just blurting it all out.  It is such a good story!

I deem this a must read for romance fans and anyone needing a boost.  I was smiling broadly after finishing this book and can't wait for the next installment in December.  It will feature the youngest sister Chloe and the yummy Sheriff Sawyer!  Another I CAN'T WAIT :)

Out of 5 JEWELS, I give it:
WHERE TO BUY IT:    Amazon and The Book Depository

Simply Irresistible (A Lucky Harbor Novel) The Sweetest Thing (A Lucky Harbor Novel)

Definitely check back later as I have a few words from the fabulous Jill Shalvis as well as a GIVEAWAY!

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~~~~~ Disclaimer:  All opinions expressed on this blog are 100% my own.  I do not receive monetary compensation for my reviews but do utilize affiliate links.  I may receive books in  order to facilitate a review, but this does not guarantee a good review - only a completely honest one.  Each review post denotes how I obtained the book.

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