Review Policy

One Book Shy of a Full Shelf
Book Review Policy

Nothing compares to a good book, except for maybe talking about it to others who share your passion for a great read.

For the most part, I will read just about anything that sparks an interest with me or might fuel a lively discussion.  My favorite types of books are historical fiction/romance, fantasy and paranormal, young adult, women's fiction/chick lit, green living, gardening, pets, etc.   I generally don't care to read the following types:  true crime, politics, and most biographies but I will make exceptions. Please don't be afraid to contact me if you have something that may still fit my style either here or on my other blog:  MoonCat Farms Meanderings

Please don't be offended if I choose not to do a review on your book.  That particular book might not be a fit for me, but your next one could!  Be sure to keep me on the mailing list.  Time is another major factor in my decision.  My reading time can be limited and I need to pick those books that will have the best chance of being a match for me and my readers.

I welcome all requests for reviews and may be contacted at either of the emails listed below.  I really like to interact with authors in the form of interviews and/or guest posts. I feel this along with giveaways is a great way to further showcase the book being reviewed.  It also gives me and the readers a chance to meet the wielder of the pen!

I like to be able to take my time to enjoy a book and not be rushed to get it finished. Unless we are working on a blog tour or have already pre-arranged a date for the review, it may take several weeks or longer once I've received my copy to get the review written and published. If you have a deadline, I need to know about it in advance so we can plan accordingly.  I won't post a review of a book that I haven't read myself and I will not guarantee a review.  I do my best to read all of the books that I receive, but I am human and some books just won't resonate with me.  This is one of the reasons I try to be choosy about what I accept.

I do not like to make negative remarks and will never deliberately slam an author or a book. I do, however, write honest reviews. If something was off for me in a book, I will remark upon it and explain my feelings.  My reviews are 100% my own opinions and my own words. I like to focus on the aspects of a book that I really enjoyed or got a lot out of. ***** If I am having a hard time with a book or just can't find something positive to share about it, I reserve the right to discontinue reading it and/or not completing a review.  I may forward it to a blogging friend who it might fit better with and therefore garner a better review of the book. 

I like to use at least a cover photo of the book and may use others, including author photos. I will make use of links for locations to purchase the book as well as provide the information to contact the author via website or blog. If requested, I can also post a review on and  (I may also post my review on my other blog: if the book might be a fit for my readers there as well.)

I retain the rights to what I have written on my blog. I have no problem with my reviews or comments being used elsewhere as long as there are links back to my blog and I am notified that the content is being used elsewhere.  

I do make use of affiliate links when available and may receive a small percentage from a sale that is conducted through a link on this blog.  This miniscule amount of money goes to buying books for reviews and giveaways as well as shipping costs for prizes.  I appreciate readers clicking on my links when purchasing one of the books I've showcased.

I never sell my ARCs or galleys, but I may offer them in a giveaway or donate them to a worthy organization.  I do participate in swaps as well which gets your book out to even more readers.

I hope you'll take the time to get to know a little bit about me and my writing style. I look forward to discussing with you the next good book.

My rating system:

5 - It's A Keeper
4 - Must Read
3 - Good Book
2 - Just OK
1 - Isn't Recommended, Not A Gem

To contact me:

or  for my other blog