A Pride & Prejudice Variation
TITLE: What Would Mr. Darcy Do?
AUTHOR: Abigail Reynolds
INFO: Paperback, Fiction, 230 pages
PUBLISHED: Sourcebooks Landmark, 2011
SOURCE: Received ARC from Publisher for review
FROM THE PUBLISHER: This sexy installment in the Pride and Prejudice Variations series explores one of the roads not taken in Jane Austen’s original. Before Darcy leaves the Lambton Inn after learning the scandalous news about Lydia and Wickham, he and Elizabeth declare their true feelings. Determined to give Darcy up rather than drag his name through the mud, Elizabeth will have to choose between what is right, and what she wants more than anything...
MY TAKE: This was a fun look at how the story might have gone if Darcy and Lizzie had not skirted around their attraction in the beginning. We get a chance to see how the different outside influences could have affected alternate outcomes. Wickham and Miss Bingley could have really messed it up for the lovebirds!
The author did an excellent job of building the tension between Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam. Their chaste kisses and steamy glances made the reader really want to help them find their stolen moments together. The "behind the scenes" action and support of Georgiana as well as the Gardiners added to the romance and fun.
This book is a quick, easy read that I found to be quite enjoyable. I recommend it to any Austen, romance and Abigail Reynolds fans ~ of any age.
Out of 5 JEWELS, I give it:
WHERE TO BUY IT: Amazon, The Book Depository![](http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=onebookshy-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1402240937)
About the Author: Abigail Reynolds is a lifelong Jane Austen enthusiast and a physician. In addition to writing, she has a part-time private practice and enjoys spending time with her family. Originally from upstate New York, she studied Russian, theater, and marine biology before deciding to attend medical school. She began writing From Lambton to Longbourn in 2001 to spend more time with her favorite characters from Pride & Prejudice. Encouragement from fellow Austen fans convinced her to continue asking ‘What if…?’, which led to four other Pemberley Variations and her modern novel, Pemberley by the Sea. She is currently at work on another Pemberley Variation and a sequel to Pemberley by the Sea. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband, two teenage children, and a menagerie of pets.
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~~~~~ Disclaimer: All opinions expressed on this blog are 100% my own. I do not receive monetary compensation for my reviews but do utilize affiliate links. I may receive books in order to facilitate a review, but this does not guarantee a good review - only a completely honest one. Each review post denotes how I obtained the book.
Thanks for the review! I am a big fan of Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice. This caught my eye instantly. I'm looking forward to reading it.