TITLE: 12.21.12
AUTHOR: Killian McRaeINFO: Paperback, Fiction, 238 pages
PUBLISHED: Omnific, 2010
ISBN#: 978-1-936305-53-7
SOURCE: Received from Author for Review and for Blog Tour
When a statue of the doomed Queen is discovered in an Olmec excavation site in Mexico, Shep rushes to investigate and, hopefully, find the proof that has evaded him for so long. Soon, he finds himself in the middle of the rivalry between the sexy, enigmatic international thief, Victoria Kent, and infamous rumored Russian mobster, Dmitri Kronastia. Both hold pieces to the puzzle that will finally shed light on Cleopatras death, as they vie for Shep's trust and assistance.
As he is drawn further into their world of ancient gods, supernatural powers, and alternative history, little does Shep know that the fate of all humanity may hinge on his ability to discover the truth in between Victoria and Dmitris' fragmented claims and hidden identities. Working to decode the ancient past while attempting to save the future, Shep becomes a common pawn played by forces working to see out a quest older than the pyramids themselves and cloaked by the Mayan prophecy of 12.21.12.
MY TAKE: With all of the attention focused on the Mayan calendar and doomsday prophecy, I knew I had to read this book. I am quite glad I did!
Debut author Killian McRae has managed to weave several ancient legends and actual history into a fantastic modern adventure that keeps the reader riveted until the end. She makes use of previously unconnected threads such as Biblical teachings, Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Cleopatra, ancient Mexican/Olmec lore, fantasy, science fiction, geological occurrances, and just plain good storytelling.
The plot moves along at a fast pace as the tale unfolds over one week's time culminating on the prophesized date of 12/21/12. We travel across oceans and continents with Shep as he tries to solve the mounting mysteries before the world ends as predicted. The author builds the suspense as she throws new twists and turns at the reader on a continuing basis. Her obvious dedication to research shines through in the facts and explanations that are offered. There is also a large dose of humor added which is something I always appreciate, especially if it could be a rather heavy subject.
The characters we meet are well written and fleshed out. I found myself really caring what happened to Shep, Victoria, Alex and even Dmitri. A few other surprise appearances are made which keep you on your toes.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good adventure, mystery and a bit of romance. Be sure to read the interview I had a chance to do earlier with the lovely Killian. Thank you to Killian and Yara from Once Upon a Twilight for including me on the tour.
Out of 5 JEWELS, I give it:
Omnific Publishing
Due to the generosity of Killian and her publisher, we have a copy of 12.21.12
- Leave a comment on this post and tell me what you think of the Mayan prophecy
- You must be 13 years old or older
- Only citizens of the US and Canada are eligible, no PO Boxes
- You MUST leave your email address in your comment
- Drawing closes 3.21.11
- Winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond
~~~~~ Disclaimer: All opinions expressed on this blog are 100% my own. I do not receive monetary compensation for my reviews but do utilize affiliate links. I may receive books in order to facilitate a review, but this does not guarantee a good review - only a completely honest one. Each review post denotes how I obtained the book.
I personally think the Mayans got tired of recording the calendar :P. They got bored and so they decided to do something else and happened to stop on December 21, 2012.
ReplyDeleteI will eat my own foot if 2012 is real haha!
I don't believe in the Mayan prophecy. I love the legends and stories though. :)
ReplyDeleteceeenndee at gmail dot com
I have to say that I don't believe it will happen, or at least I hope it doesn't. I know it has some of my family freaked and it makes my wonder how tense things will become around that date.
ReplyDeleteStephanie- thegirlonfire
thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com
I think the prophecy is totally up for interpretation. I remember when I was younger they first said 2008 or 2006 or something like that, then they reread it.
This looks so good. Please count me in.
ReplyDeletelizzi0915 at aol dot com
I don't really believe in the Mayan prophecy but I like to read books about it!
ReplyDeleteI am definitely older than 13 and I live in the US.
I am intrigued by the whole idea of the prophecy. The mayans are one of my favorite civilizations from the past. I don't believe in the prophecy, but it's just so out of this world that I love the idea of it.
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
I like you thoughtful review of Killian's new book. I haven't read it but look forward to doing so.
ReplyDeleteOn the Mayan prophecy: Being an optimist at heart, I choose to want to believe in the 12.21.12 interpretation that during this time mankind will undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation.
Thanks for the chance at the book giveaway! mad4hugh(at)gmail(.)com
I don't really believe in the Mayan prophecy either, but I do find it very intriguing and am very interested in reading more about its interpretations.
I am not sure about the prophecy, but I am sure this would be a very good read. Please put my name in the hat!!
vigorios7 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI truly HOPE the Mayan Prophecy is not true -- I have books to finish writing.
I definitely don't believe it, I think something might happen on that day but the world end? nah
ReplyDeleteanedia @ gmail.com
I don't know much about the Mayan prophecy so I'm looking forward to learning more by reading my copy of 12.21.12, which I own.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog title, by the way!
I don't believe it but it could make for an interesting story.
ReplyDeletemce1011 AT aol DOT com
great giveway
ReplyDeletefollow via gfc
I dont believe - at least I hope it isnt true!
I don't really believe in the Mayan prophecy, but I don't know too much about it either. Would be kind of freaky if it is true.
i don't believe that stuff only god can say when the world ends not Mayan people or any other people
ReplyDeleteThey were amazingly accurate with their calender. They were really quite an advanced civilization for their time. I am a little on the fence on this one.
ReplyDeletedwarzel at hotmail.com
these days one can never be sure of anything,
I think, that it is about as likely as the Y2K disaster, that many thought would happen.
I am intrigued and open minded about it-I do believe our world has an end date but not sure it is next year. They were right about many things so it is possible.
ReplyDeleteapoalillo AT hoTmail dot com
great contest im in
ReplyDeleteI am open to it but i dont think that the world will end. I think that its just going to be a mass extinction of some animal species.
I am not sure that I believe it will come true. But it still scares me all the same, just incase it should come true. I would love to read this book. Please enter me. Thanks!
I dont really believe in it. It was done so long ago and I think they just didnt believe it would need to continue. But I do like to read about it!
ReplyDeletebacchus76 at myself dot com
I think it symbolizes an end of a Mayan era, but there is another one after it. We just don't have information about what they thought of it.
The prophacy really makes you think, though!! Since its right around the corner, I dont want to believe...
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower
jmluker (at) winco.net
I don't really buy a lot of it, but I'm not taking any chances. I am going to party it up the night before just in case!
I'm so curious about this book, your review made me even more intrigued. I don't believe there is any truth to the prophecy, mostly. I mean I didn't, but this Japan thing has me rethinking things a bit. I love the story it lends itself to though and that some people are so adamant that it is true!
ReplyDeleteforgot email
ReplyDeleterebekah at roscoehill dot org
I don't believe in the Mayan Prophecy but then again you never know!
why not? the world has to end sometime speck135les at yahoo
ReplyDeleteWell to be honest, I didn't really believe in the "Doomsday" 2012 frenzy although I am quite intrigued by it. I say didn't because with the increasing larger scale natural disasters, I am beginning to wonder if something really big will happen in 2012...
ReplyDeleteswaggirl01 at gmail dot com
I think it is interesting, but I don't take the Mayan prophecy seriously. I do, on the other hand take Bible prophecy very seriously although I believe it is quite often misinterpreted and manipulated for people to prove their own spin on things. wgbc1446[at]yahoo[dot]com
ReplyDeleteThe mayan prophecy would mean we are less than 2 years from the end of the earth, and personally I cannot see that happening (so soon)
ReplyDeleteHowever, reading books on the prophecy would make a very interesting tale.
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
I don't believe it myself but let's say we all meet back here that day and have a cocktail party to celebrate it.
I think of the prophecy comes to pass,no one will be around to say i told you this would happen.
ReplyDeletejohnwaynetexas @ gmail dot com
I personally don't see the world ending, but rather the world is entering a new phase.
I like to read fiction.
I don't think it'll end... So many other prophecies have been wrong before.
I think that, like most prophecies throughout history, it will fall short of expectations, but it does make for good reading.
I dont believe in the prophecy .. The world will never end :D
ReplyDeleteejhtan at gmail dot com
I am very interested in reading this and finding out more about the prophecies. I myself do not think the world would ever end but I am open to others opinions and find them very interesting. Thanks! ard1977@gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI think the prophecies may come but not in the exact form that was said.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what to believe, but sounds like an intriguing book. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeletei think anything is possible including the mayan prophecy
ReplyDeletesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
Although I don't believe in the Mayan Prophecy, I still find it very intriguing! Especially since 12.21 is my birthday.. hoping 12.21.12 won't be my last! haha.
ReplyDeletenatashagt (at) live (dot) com
I believe in the prophecy
ReplyDeleteDiane Baum
Personally, I don't believe the Mayan prophecy. If it were based on planetary movement, and the planets really aline at that approximate date, then I believe the reason for stopping simply is a restart.
ReplyDeleteAnd they had to stop somewhere, didn't they?
I don't believe the prophecy in itself..I think *if* it were true there is no possible ways that the dates would be accurate since they have proven the Mayan calendar is off..
ReplyDeleteI don't believe it will happen but it will make interesting reading