AUTHOR: Emma Weylin
INFO: Paperback, Fiction, 252 pages
PUBLISHED: Lyrical Press, 2015
SOURCE: Received from Publisher for Review
FROM GOODREADS: An ancient warrior. A timeless battle.
Haven Killian needs help. As the heiress of an ancient organization called the Black rose, she is charged with keeping alive the line of succession. When she vows to protect a young boy tormented by magic, all she has to go on are rumors of an immortal with the power to save him.
As Battle King of the Undying, Quinn Donovan has the most powerful magic on the planet. Yet, he has waited an eternity to find his lifebond: the one woman destined to be his mate. The moment he meets Haven, he senses she is his. His instincts scream to protect the woman and the boy she guards, and to claim her as his own. But Haven is mortal, and for them to be united, she must become one of the Undying.
MY TAKE: I enjoyed this book and I think there is quite a bit of potential for future installments in the series. That being said, it is a bit heavy with world-building in the first part of the book. While we're getting to know the scene and set-up, we're not getting into the characters as much as I'd like right away.
Once we got into the actual characters and their individual stories, I was hooked. I hit a lot of different emotions during the latter part of the book. I enjoyed getting to know the main characters in the context of the storyline that had already been laid out. I like the interaction between Haven and Quinn. They are definitely a match to be reckoned with! The other characters are going to be interesting to watch develop further and see the story proceed around their relationships and journeys. Especially since the laborious task of building and introducing the reader to this brand new-to-us world has been thoroughly done in the this first book of the series. Looking forward to the next book!
Out of 5 JEWELS, I give it:
Emma Weylin fell in love with the written word as a child. She loves to create her own worlds full of magic and wonder. One of her favorite things is populating those worlds with interesting and true-to-life characters who experience everything from epic love and heartrending battles to seriously silly or embarrassing "duh" moments. She believes love can and does conquer all things. When she's not writing, she enjoys her family and has a copious yarn addiction.
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~~~~~ Disclaimer: All opinions expressed on this blog are 100% my own. I do not receive monetary compensation for my reviews but do utilize affiliate links. I may receive books in order to facilitate a review, but this does not guarantee a good review - only a completely honest one. Each review post denotes how I obtained the book.
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