Isalys & Vanessa over at Book Soulmates came up with the fabulous ideas to create a monthly list of bloggers and their bookish wishlists. This makes it easy for other bloggers to do Random Acts of Kindness and make some book wishes come true!
I decided to play along again this month. It was fun in March as I sent out books to three different readers. I hope they are enjoying them! My list this time is at The Book Depository. I have one on Amazon as well, but it has a lot of the books that I list as encouragement or reference for the hubby. (You know, so he doesn't buy me another turtleneck that I can't/won't wear :) There's plenty of time to join in the fun. Hop on over to Book Soulmates to see what it's all about!
~~~~~ Disclaimer: All opinions expressed on this blog are 100% my own. I do not receive monetary compensation for my reviews but do utilize affiliate links. I may receive books in order to facilitate a review, but this does not guarantee a good review - only a completely honest one. Each review post denotes how I obtained the book.
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